Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Letter from Creation Supporters


Thanks to those who made it for tonight's Creation Supporters meeting at my place. We had a simple and meaningful time of prayer and fellowship. 

In order to help you promote the upcoming All-Asian Creation Conference (Nov 15-17) at USJ Summit Hotel, here's a 6-min promo video which I have prepared. Please click on the link below :

Feel free to share the above link with as many of your interested friends as possible. If you prefer the actual video file, you can download it from :

Alternatively, if you are interested in the Powerpoint Slides, you can download it from :

Oh yes, if you have a facebook account, would appreciate if you could "like" the Creation Conference page and put it in your feed so that you will receive updates as well. Here's the facebook link :

Thank you.

Joseph Tan

Monday, August 1, 2011

All-Asian Creation Conference Schedule (15-17 November 2011)

All-Asian Creation Conference Schedule -   Genesis    Does it matter? 
(15-17 November 2011)

 Workshop Titles

  • Practical steps in starting a Creation Science Association
  • Answers in Genesis and its ministries
  • Building right foundations at home
  • Translations and missions
  • and a few more in the works!

Tuesday , 15 November 2011
12.00 pm  Welcome and registration
01.00 pm  Introduction & Welcome
01.30 pm  The Relevance of Genesis to the Christian Faith.
02.30 pm  Design, Intelligence & the Word of God.
03.30 pm  Break & Networking
04.00 pm  Exposing the "Millions of Years"
05.00 pm  Conclusion of Conference Day 1
06.00 pm Dinner Fellowship
08.00 pm  Public Session 1:
                Genesis : Answering the Most-Asked Questions

Wednesday , 16 November 2011
07.00 am  Breakfast
08.30 am  Morning Devotion
09.00 am  How to Defend the Christian Faith
10.00 am  Break
10.20 am  How to Start a Creation Ministry
11.30 am  Testimony
12.00 pm  Lunch
01.00 pm  Challenging Compromises
02.00 pm  Workshop !
03.30 pm  Break & Networking
04.00 pm  Workshop2
05.00 pm  Conclusion of Conference Day 2
06.00 pm  Dinner Fellowship
08.00 pm  Public Session 2 :
                Genesis : Answering the Most-Asked Questions

Thursday , 17 November 2011
07.00 am Breakfast
08.30 am  Morning Devotion
09.00 am  God's Design - The Human Brain
10.00 am Break
10.30 am  Open Discussion : Next Steps
11.00 am  Workshop 3
12.00 pm  Lunch & Networking
01.30 pm  How to Communicate the Gospel in Today's World
02.30 pm  Concluding Remarks
03.00 pm  End of Conference

* Program schedule and topics may be revised to reflect certain focus improvements.